
Tips To Create a memorable guitar solo

Hello, :p now i'd like to share about a little thing that could be important for any guitarist in the world, i'm sure that all of guitar player want play guitar solo and the people who heard about it can remember his solo. this article was designed as an aid for composing a well produced solo. None of this guide's statements are set in concrete, feel free to deviate from the opinions and try things first, that is truly the best way to learn.


Sure, anybody can learn some pentatonic patterns and play licks over their favourite backing tracks. You can even use those licks for your own solo. But do you find your solo to be a bit bland? This is possibly because you lack in music education, and you may not know the notes on your fretboard. The trick to making a memorable solo is building a climax point. You really don't want to doodle around a scale and call it a solo: it will sound like a scale and not a solo. Here are the basic tips that you can use. And remember... Don't think of these rules as a 'must', this is just helpful advice


  • Always be aware of what chord you solo over, you don't want to sound random. If you do not know the notes in the chords, you might clash when you execute the lick you want to play. Really try to understand chord theory and the notes.

  • Try not to use the same rhythm of notes to much: predictable = boring.

  • Obviously learn the notes on the fretboard! People don't lie when they say it opens a lot of possibilities for you!

  • When you learn a scale, learn the modes. This will give you a lot of versatility and spice in your solos. Also, don't be afraid to play outside of the solo, for example chromatic lines; It gives good contrast to a good solo.

  • Exotic scales are really fun to explore. Try randomly picking a scale you have never heard before, and learn its modes and functions. A lot of the greats use exotic solos to sound original.

  • If there is a note that sounds good that's not in the correct scale, who cares! It's all about sounding good, not what is right.

  • Always listen to different types of music, even rap music can give some ideas for chords/note etc.

  • Try not to bend your notes too much, to some people it can get stale after a while, but with that said... if it sounds good to you, it's okay.

  • When playing arpeggios, don't just chuck them in for the sake of it being fodder for your solo, play from the 3rd notes of the arpeggio, mix half of an arpeggio with some pull-offs hammer ons... Other licks, arpeggios have a lot of harmonic function, use them to your advantage

  • Warnings

  • Try not to get over technical, remember... You want to have fun.

  • Try not to sound too much like another guitarist, unless you want to contribute yourself to a cover band of some sort.

  • Always make sure your guitar is clean, you want your guitar to be in top condition, while executing your music for maximum benefit.

  • Don't let a famous guitarist's opinion affect your way of thinking about your music, we are all human...

  • Never put down someone else's music, it's OK not to like it. But if someone is lacking and you can see it, give them your knowledge, even lend some licks!

  • Don't get lazy with guitar, play at least 20 minutes a day if you don't want to sound weak.

  • please keep attention in these italic words... because nowadays many people do that..whatever it is we should give more respect to the other mussic. Hope this simple article can help you to create a memorable solo guitar and you can imply it to your own song..

    Keep Rockin Dude...


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